Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Chalkboard Window

Feast your eyes.

No, really.  Look closely at the crud covered window.  Now imagine what the crud on a crud covered window would be, if you found the window in an old barn.  

A cow left a peice of itself here.  Probably several cows actually, which I got to enjoy when I began cleaning it.

I remember that I cried a little...

I painted out the glass white first.  Because reasons.  

Then I taped it off and painted the black chalkboard paint on. But as you can see, I left the weathered wood and traces of cow poo for authenticity.  

Then I labored over the numbers that I drew on with chalk (for real, it took forever).

Lastly, I apparently photo shopped the tookers out of this picture and made it appear as if it were under flourescent lighting.

I eventually hung it in my foyer, which had undergone a makeover as well, as I will show in another post.

Now I have a window that I cannot see out of, but rather use as a reminder everyday, of just who we all are.  

You're welcome family. 

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I'd love for someone other than my mom to comment. That would be great.